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I'm a SAHM to 3 kids, a couple of 2nd graders and a 4 year old little man who is doing some Pre-K stuff.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Save money...go to the library!

Summer is fast approaching. Along with summer comes kids who are "bored". If your kids fit into this category, consider making a weekly (at least) trip to the library.

We'll be doing several free activities at our library. They include:
  • Summer reading program...for every 8 books, they get prizes. Last year we watched a baseball game at the end of the season!
  • Free movie Thursdays...we'll get to watch older children's movies for just the cost of parking (our library is in downtown OKC...so there's parking meters)
Please don't forget about the library this summer. As long as you stay away from the late fees (last night a man had $9 in fees), it's a very cheap and educational way to entertain your family.

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